domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

To Bob Dylan 70´s birthday

OK he is a voice,
OK he is a mountain,
Ok he moves the soul like the believers eyes,
OK he moves the clouds, the stars and every mistic river,
OK he knows the Words to make a woman happy,
Ok he worked the stones like if he was in prison,
OK, OK, OK I’m talking about myself,
OK, OK, OK I think I can go farther,
OK, OK, OK is gonna be my future,
OK, OK, OK I think I just keep singing,
I haven´t yet decided wich women goes with me,
I haven´t yet felt wich way is the wind blowing,
I haven´t write a song that moves those golden eyes,
I haven´t Speak a tongue where everybody is Laughing,
And is hard, is hard, is hard, is a hard rain gonna fall.

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